25 May 2012

talking hands


These two (nearly) four-year-old rascals both live nearby.
Do you think you can guess the topic of their conversation?

First person to get it correct will win a special prize!


(prize yet to be determined ;)  no rules, just guess in the comments if you'd like to play along)


  1. how big they're going to be when they grow up?

  2. this set is just so cool Dana ...maybe they have been in an airport and seen how the planes are directed into the parking position :)

  3. Some super incredible aircraft just flew overhead and it was THIS big! No, I saw it. It was THIS big and had a nose like this and wings like this. (only in Italian, right?)

  4. not sure what they may have been talking about, but they are so adorable, it dosen't matter...were they speaking italian? please do tell us what they talked about...and how cute is it, that one of them seems to have his shirt on backwards...

  5. How large of object their father can lift...Bear and his friends were obsessed with this at age 4, the ultimate hero was Diego's papa, who according to Bear, could lift a tree.

  6. living in a house of boys, i am guessing it may involve superheros or dinosaurs

  7. Talking hands starts young in Italy...I see! They are talking about flying in the sky on a giant airplane.

  8. Definitely an Italian trait...their hands are sooo expressive...

  9. Keep guessing! I have the prize now but no correct responses :)

  10. what a super cute series! i think they're talking a special language that only 4yrs old can understand :)

  11. Parlano del terremoto. Both of my boys slept right through it. My husband thought it must have been a big truck... Today though all schools were evacuated...

  12. I forgot to sign my name... Michela
