08 July 2012

cool, clean & free : water

Public Water Source / Verona 27/52 Favorite (Dana) Public Water Source / Verona

Public water spigots can be found in most of Italy, though I don't think we have one in the paese. It sure was nice to find these, which are good for both a cool drink and a refreshing splash in the face, in Verona Friday.


  1. I was thinking of taking the children to Verona this week. I am not sure though since it is at least a two hour train ride. We have pretty much seen the sites here and staying in the apartment is not an option since it turned out to be a dive. We are hoping to move to a hotel tomorrow.

  2. Thanks! Como was like that today and to top it off the ferries were on strike. Hopefully, it will be worked out by lunch time. We leave on Friday for Cinque Terra and then catch a ferry from Naples to Sicily on Saturday. I love Italy, but I am ready to go home. I should be used to the heat given I live in Georgia, but boy is it hot.

  3. i just found flights to verona for 30€ round trip. will write you if we ever go. :)
    looks like you are having a great summer dana!

    1. Jane,
      My advice is wait until any time besides the summer, when Verona is FULL of German tourists. I'm pretty sure the Germans outnumbered the Italians when I visited last week. No offense to Germans...but I hate the crowds and the insufferable heat. This part of Italy is prettiest in the fall and spring, and you should come then if at all possible.
