22 October 2012

weekend (-ing)

We had a fairly slow weekend, even if the husband and I managed two nights out without Young One, who spent the night with a friend Friday and met a new babysitter Saturday night, one who does the dishes (and her homework, apparently.) Young One and I are at odds with what we think about that. 

The fall fog has arrived.

:: A bit of Halloween decor now fills the house; loving Young One's ghostly craft project created while at a sleepover

:: Homework in her spot at the table

:: Date night with the Mr. -- sushi by candlelight followed a guitar concert (I stayed out past midnight and did not turn into a pumpkin, even if I did doze off a time or two.)

:: Luckily the only other boy in the house is the illiterate cat, Luigi.

:: Makes my heart smile to see her engaged in innocent pretend play with her little friend from next door. Even happier that they have each other.

:: Met some friends in Vicenza to take a Christmas card photo...reminded how much I prefer shy and pensive to gregarious and outspoken...also reminded that as much as I've learned about photography I am no pro and will never be able to put people at ease for a photo

::Cuddled up to the first fire of the season with a mystery on my Nook


  1. LOve your weekend post! Sadly my weekend involved CHuck E Cheese. I bet you are glad they don't have that in Italy.

    1. Yes, I am!
      I'm sure you had a great weekend, with thoughts so China in your head :)

  2. love that top photo! i know what you mean about putting people at ease while taking their photos. a lot of people lately have been telling me to go into business but a) worried about being a MWAC and b) i am not a bubbly outgoing person who makes people instantly comfortable. i fear that i make them uncomfortable more often than not! i don't think people understand how important that is for portraits. what i wonder is--can one force oneself to become an outgoing people person at times?

    1. i know exactly what you mean!
      i am much more comfortable taking pictures of THINGS.
      i, my friend, cannot force that...but I am slowly getting a little better at it the older i get...good luck.

  3. As the grateful mother of the Christmas card subjects, I hope you don't take their reticence personally - they just really hate having their picture taken and have never been at ease in all the years I have subjected them to this process! Thank you again. I know the photos will be great. I did have to laugh at the shy and pensive comment though. I'm not sure whether to love or regret that their public faces are so different from their ones at home!

    1. Of course I did not take it personally bc I completely understand it, having lived it myself...perhaps continuing to live it a bit.
      At any rate, I'm excited to take a look at them tonight!

  4. Looks like a wonderful weekend. I love your cozy fire picture.

    1. It probably isn't exactly cold enough for a fire, but we are so ready for the cool weather that we forced it a bit this weekend with the fire.

  5. Sounds like a lovely fall weekend. I also enjoyed your comment about "shy and pensive". Our Friday photo shoot with Wendy and Tyler was fun, but rainy...crossing my fingers and really hope we got some good shots and that my hair wasn't too frizzy (hate how it acts up with humidity...missing that lack of humidity in Sicily!). I am also loving that little gauzy ghost. How did she make it?

    1. I hope you post them! I have no doubt they are gorgeous.
      I'll check on the gauzy ghost with my girlfriend and get back to you.

  6. Personally, I think that's a fabulous photo of your friends, and M's note and your commentary made me laugh! :)

    1. She is so much fun right now...cracking us up time and again!

  7. Sushi has made it to Italy? Is it a new thing? Great post! I love the pictures!


    1. Not new, Leslie, but as always, life if different in the north!

    2. Although...
      I think that the best sushi I've ever had was at the Negombo spa in Ischia this summer. Sooooo good.
