01 March 2010

i'm no arborist

Now, admittedly, I'm no arborist.  In fact, I have absolutely no experience or knowledge in the care and maintenance of trees.  I don't even claim to know what type of tree this might be.  These gnarled trees that dot the landscape in our area just seem, well, like they are in pain, dire pain.

Can somebody, anybody, please explain this process as it is done here to me?


  1. The trees make me think of Michelango's "Slaves". The Accademia ones not the Louve ones. Of course I never saw the trees in that light until I saw your pictures this morning.

  2. You know. . . I see it. I didn't see it until you mentioned it, but I see it clearly. Those in Florence are among my all-time favorites . . . the ones with David, right?

  3. Wow, Michelle! What a great image! You're right, too, those trees look tortured. Such interesting shots, Dana!

  4. I don't know a blessed thing about your trees! They are certainly artistic though, aren't they? : )

    You did a great job on your new blog header. It looks wonderful!

  5. I am not don't know they name of these tree, but I think they cut them back to encourage the trunks to become larger jut like crepe myrtles. Generally, there is a 1/3 rule when pruning trees though because you don't want to cut to much otherwise you will pu the tree into shock and possibly kill them. You also want to cut the branches at an angle. I learned this in a college science class, but I guess this rule doesn't apply to this tree.
