22 May 2010

small fish

For the past three years Young One has participated in swim lessons at a pool in the city.  The asilo brings a busload of kids to the pool once a week for lessons.  It seems to be quite common in these parts and not unique to Young One's school.  Friday we were invited to the pool for the final lesson.

Small Fish, Big Pond

She has learned quite a bit, I suppose; however, I am convinced that her best expericences with swimming came last summer when, to keep up with her older cousins, she was forced to sink or swim.  She chose to swim.  I didn't share these thoughts with the swim teacher.  Bad, bad idea.

I hope to be able to continue the weekly visits to the pool.  Of course, this will now involve one of us shuttling her across town after school one day a week.  Our neighbors head to the same pool across town with their two young ones every Saturday morning -- I can assure you that we won't be doing that.

She's a swimmer, that's for sure!


  1. That's one cute little fish you've got there! Great pictures!

  2. Yeah! They do this in Switzerland too! I wish they did this here in the U.S. but we will be lucky to have any school left with all the budget cuts. We lost a week of school this upcoming year. Their idea is to add 10 minutes extra on to each day to make up the difference. I don't think their idea is going to work.
