31 August 2010

going green

In addition to separating our refuse into 99 different types that are each collected according to the phases of the moon as  mandated by our commune, we've also gone green by using reusable glass water bottles for our aqua frizzante habit.

We drink at least a bottle of sparkling water each day, sometimes two, or even three, per day.  About a year ago Richard found a perfect source nearby & bought his first case of San Pellegrino in glass bottles.  Since then,  each week he returns the case of empty bottles in exchange for a case of full bottles.  (And the best part?  It's a mere .47 Euro cents, or roughly .60 USD cents, a bottle . . . for San Pellegrino . . . in a glass bottle. )


Saving the green by using the green in efforts to go green.  

While some aspects of this overseas life are difficult or seemingly impossible to navigate at times, there are others that are quite simple.  In fact, we could even have these cases of water delivered to our door, for no cost at all . . . as in, free, and other beverages, like still water and soda, are also available.  Richard likes Saturday morning errands, so he makes the stop at the beverage distributor on his way to completing his other favorite Saturday morning "chore" -- grocery shopping.

Aren't you green with envy?  Is is because of our outstanding "greenness" or my new green-themed header I created or because I have a husband who enjoys making groceries?  Who said it ain't easy being green?

Okay. . . enough silliness, but seriously. . . LifeIsGood.
Have a fantastic day!


  1. Enjoyed your post. Had to laugh when I read the last sentence and your husband "making groceries." My immigrant grandparents always said that and we children would roll our eyes as if to say...they will never learn how to talk right. Never understood until I learned the usage of the verb "fare" when I decided to learn my heritage tongue! :-)

  2. Because you have a husband who enjoys going grocery shopping!

  3. I am one lucky woman! He also likes doing most of the cooking.

    It's the way many people in South Louisiana (where I grew up) say it as well. It's fun discovering those connections between the languages, isn't it. I suppose the French and Italian immigrants there are responsible for "making groceries."

    Have a great day!@

  4. Oh, Dana, this post is so bright and full of good energy that you've just made my day (I'm having my first cup of coffee visiting blog-friends and trying to revive myself....). It is so good to read post like yours.

    Have a great day!

  5. Is your refuse collected from local bins like ours down here in Lazio?

  6. LindyLou,
    Actually, most of it is picked up from out sidewalk. It's quite convenient . . . once you get the schedule memorized, that is. We do have to bring our glass to a nearby bin, though.
