24 August 2010

target practice

Just an afternoon (8.1.2010) of target practice in Louisiana with Uncle Cory & Jacob . . .  



. . . and a few curious longhorns who call the pasture behind their house home -- longhorns who were coaxed up to the fence with pears from a nearby tree after the gun was put away.

Longhorns in Gonzales, LA
Longhorns in Gonzales, LA

While I'm not a likely candidate for membership in this organization, I am not completely opposed to the possession of guns, or longhorns, for that matter :) As with all things, education is the key.


  1. Aahhh!!! I LOVE the longhorns! I think they are some of the most beautiful animals ever. Gorgeous!

  2. They do provide quite a show, don't they. No offense, but from close up, they seemed quite stupid. How, you ask, do I know that an animal is stupid? Hmmm. . . .just a feeling.

  3. What a fun opportunity for your daughter. I grew up shooting guns, but then I grew up in Alaska. However, with three boys in my house there is no way we will ever have a gun in our house. Male Hormones can lead to stupidity.

  4. No guns in this house either! I think it's dangerous to deny anything outright, though. I'm not a big fan of guns & was even a bit queasy with her handling a BB gun with her safety conscious uncle present . . . but, I want her to be able to experience life and eventually make decisions for herself. I'm afraid that plain denial of anything can lead to danger.

  5. Oh, and yeah, male hormones can lead to stupidity.... agreed! :)
