26 November 2011

the incredible, edible egg & Deruta

Party Foods

My favorite Deruta pottery maker is Cama
My favortie Cama pattern is Antico Deruta
The egg plate pictured here is the Orvieto pattern.
I've had it for years, years before I decided on my favorite pattern.
I still love it.

I only have two pieces of Antico Deruta.
(Have you seen the prices? I don't know how I have any pieces.)
It's hand painted. Some pieces are even hand thrown.
I think the egg plate is from a mold.

I've met the family who runs Cama, visited the small store, toured the laboratory.
They are what we Southerners call, "Good People."

In a couple of weeks we'll visit that part of the country.
Ahh, I love that part of the country.
I dream of making it my home.

Tonight we'll settle for visiting friends & bringing the eggs, on fancy Deruta pottery.

Does anyone even make deviled eggs anymore?
I do.
I have to use the fancy plate.

And, yes, the yolk is that bright.
It's from a fancy Italian hen.
Maybe she is hormone and antibiotic free?
I don't think that she is free range.

My kid is free range, for seven.

Good night.


  1. I only made it home with one piece of Deruta pottery. I love it, but I want more. The best I can do now is buy every knock off (and some real) Deruta pottery at Marshalls and TJ Maxx. Its always on clearance because apperantly most people must find it ugly.
    ps my fav is the dragon patterns.

  2. In answer to your question, I too still make deviled eggs. Not sure how I became the official maker of the deviled egg in my family. It wouldn't be Thanksgiving or Christmas without them. It was the first appetizer finished this past Thanksgiving. And Oh how I would love to have a Deruta platter for the next batch.

  3. @Liz ... though my Italian friends eyed them suspectingly at first, they all ate them :) Success!

    @Michelle .. I love it, too! You may be finding some "authentic" stuff in those places. I know that it (and the stuff from China) makes its way there at time...weird, I know.
