07 January 2012

late friday afternoon in the paese

biking biking3biking5biking4

And home again...

We went down to the garage together to start gathering the snow gear for the upcoming ski trip when Young One lamented that she missed her bike, her poor, poor, lonely bike in the cold, dark garage all winter long. I think she was quite surprised when I agreed to her request to take it for a ride down to the church. Along the way I heard her mumble something about not needing to always have friends around when you have such a fun Mamma. I beamed.

Hey. I'll take what I can get, especially if it means I can take a walk with my camera on a not-so-foggy, relatively warm winter day. But, for Pete's sake, do not tell Young One of my motives!

Hope you are having a good weekend. We deconstructed Christmas in our house today, the day following the Epiphany.  Phew... what a job.


  1. It has been really warm here too- and have enjoyed some time outside. Yesterday it was 65 degree! Love when I don't have to wear a coat. Happy Weekend!

  2. It looks like a peaceful afternoon, and I'm not at all surprised that you're a fun mamma...despite your motives!

  3. Are you all back to school today? Happy beginning to a new week!

  4. like your pictures! very nice!

