25 May 2010

i bisi

I Bisi di Lumignano
(Local Dialect for Peas)

We received a big ol' bag of peas this week.  I've learned several things:

  • The neighbors across the street are as generous as the ones out back. (Tell me again. . . what have we done to deserve this?)
  • I do like peas -- fresh local peas.
  • These are so good that we sat around our patio table Saturday with friends & wine, eating them raw, right out of the pod.
  • These peas really don't need to be cooked with a load of "seasonings." I boiled them for 2 minutes, dried them, and coated them in a pat of butter and coarse salt.  Yum.  No, really, I kid you not.  Perfectly Yum.  Absolutely nothing like frozen or canned peas.  Not even close.  It's like the differnece between wild-caught Gulf of Mexico shrimp & frozen shrimp from China. I don't think I'll ever acquire a taste for those -- canned peas or Chinese shrimp.  (Damn BP, BTW.)


  1. i've never been fond of peas, but now i want to try some fresh-from-the-garden peas...you make them sound divine!

  2. I think it'll take my little garden peas a while to yield a bowl that size!!! I did just discover a mulberry tree in my neighbors yard. Let's hope they are as generous as your neighbors and let me go a pickin'! I would love some gelsi granita ;)

  3. those look amazing! local neighbors are the best.

  4. Absolutely beautiful pictures.

  5. I do love the peas around here and that's saying a lot, as I don't like peas at all.

  6. Thanks ladies. . . and one more thing I learned -- pea green is beautiful, isn't it?

  7. Yum to the fresh peas and Yes, Damn BP!!!!

  8. Love that vibrant green!
