04 July 2010

american as uncle sam

Happy 4th of July!

Earlier this week I received a nod from the great Pioneer Woman when she chose my submission to her "America" photo contest as a finalist in Group One. You know I don't particularly care for contests that I'm not guaranteed to win, but I suppose she caught me in a moment of weakness . . . that, and the fact that Pioneer Woman gives the best prizes in her contests.

Uncle Sam at a Parade on Constitution Ave, Washington DC
July 4, 2009

I was shocked to see my photo here. The grand winner will be announced later today when the US wakes up. Sunday. It's a great place to visit for a dose of patriotism or head to Flickr for all of the America submissions.
Oh, and if you ever, ever, ever get the chance to be in Washington DC on July 4, don't pass it up. The heat and the crowds are worth it. I promise. (And I abhor heat and crowds -- to combine them and then add in public transport and a five year old longing for a stroller would normally be something to which I would strongly object; DC on July 4th is Bucket List-worthy, though. I would do it again.

God Bless America.


  1. oh my goodness! dana! that's wonderful! i saw that photo, but had no idea it was yours as i rarely look at the photographer's name. CONGRATS!!!! :D

  2. Thanks Emily. It truly was a shocker! She must have liked seeing Uncle Sam.
