18 April 2012

corner view

corner view :: typical family dinner

While this is not a typical family dinner, it is one of my favorites that I convince Richard to throw together from time-to-time. (And one that I was able to photograph in decent light this weekend.)  It's his version of the dish called Pasta Siciliana as made at Trattoria da Biago in Pozzuoli -- one of my favorite pastas and places to get good food down south. Don't be fooled by the name, as I don't think it's a traditionally Sicilian pasta...but, then again, maybe it is?!

pasta1 pasta4 pasta2 pasta3 pasta5

Chop, chop, chop an eggplant or two and sautee in olive oil for a bit. Remove the eggplant and sautee a bit of garlic in the remaining oil. Add a can of tomatoes from Naples (or the ones you put up last summer) and a bit of fresh basil. Mash those tomatoes a bit after adding them. Let it all simmer a while. Bring the eggplant back & simmer more. Toss this with cooked penne & add quite a bit of fresh mozzarella (not pictured). Serve to a hungry family :)

And, oh...don't forget to salt the pasta water!

For more corner views, visit Francesca.


  1. Mmm! Oh the theme this week is making me hungry.
    This looks delicious and how nice you get someone else to make it for you.

  2. YUM! I think anything they add eggplant too they call Sicilian!

  3. This looks good and easy! I already copied your recipe and I'm calling chop, chop, chop pasta! Give Richard a big thank you!! xo

  4. It looks devine. Does young one eat the egg plant?

  5. That looks so delicious and so easy, I think I shall have to try it out. thanks

  6. This looks so savory and delicious! I want some!

  7. That just oozes Italy to me. :)

  8. She won't eat it by choice, but we serve it to her and make her eat around the eggplant!
    Norma...Bellini...Sicily....I just got a music lesson from Richard. Thanks For the inspiration, Francesca.


  9. this looks so delicious and simple :)
