24 May 2012


It's time to come in.
But I don't want to come in.
It's time to come in.
But I don't want to come in.
I said --
Please, Daddy. Please. Please. Please. (with appropriate pouty face and puppy eyes)

Okay. Five more minutes. But just this once!

This is the time of year that this plays out every single weekday evening.

I really just wanted to show you another picture of my geraniums because they are so nice and pretty this year. I fear that by August they will be nice and...dead.


  1. we are having the same conversations over here...but my boys usually are standing there dripping wet from a hose that no one seems to recall having turned on, on purpose. ;)

  2. Our negotiations are with computer time. At least she likes to play outside. So many children don't these days.
